VA Education Benefits: Dependents

VA education benefits for dependents include options under the GI Bill, Yellow Ribbon program, and scholarship funds. If you are a military dependent wondering what your options from the VA might be, much depends on the nature of the military member’s service, time spent in uniform, and what GI Bill program the member signed up for at…

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GI Bill: How Do I Use It?

Using your GI Bill benefits involves starting a process that begins with your school choices first. Not all colleges, Universities, training schools, or other institutions accept the GI Bill, though a great many do. Getting Started The first step toward using your GI Bill benefits is to apply for them through the VA online, in person at…

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Being a Military Spouse: Going Back to School

As a military spouse, furthering your education can benefit your family in many ways.  Financially, it can certainly boost your earning power and help widen your career opportunities.  On a personal level, acquiring a higher education can translate to a feeling of accomplishment that allows you to feel confident about investing in yourself, your career,…

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A Guide to Veterans’s Success

The Department Of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs have long affirmed their commitment to military education for active duty, Guard, Reserve, and military dependents whether spouses or children. But the DoD and VA efforts are not without support from other government agencies such as the Department of Education (DoE). Did you know the U.S….

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Education Benefits for Veterans

As a veteran, taking advantage of educational benefits available to you is a great way to successfully transition back to civilian life and work toward your long-term goals. From college classes to on-the-job training, many educational opportunities await you and your family—as do a wide range of benefits to help fund those opportunities. Here’s how…

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10 Questions to Ask Before Selecting an Online University

For many active military members and their spouses, earning an online degree is becoming increasingly attractive. The flexibility and convenience of online universities allow those juggling work and family responsibilities to advance their education without putting their lives on hold. Finding a reputable, accredited online university that offers a program that meets your needs requires…

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